Lawson Chiropractic and Wellness

Wellness Through Corrective Care

Lawson Chiropractic and Wellness utilizes a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the whole person. We all have a mind, a body, and a spirit and the health of one, affects the health of all three. At Lawson Chiropractic and Wellness, we offer each patient the opportunity to explore different wellness options that will help to identify the root of their pain rather than just manage it.

Lawson Chiropractic & Wellness was built by two practitioners, Dr. Michael Lawson D.C and his wife, Samantha Lawson, LICSW, whose goal is to help people live healthier and happier lives. Dr. Mike specializes in chiropractic care and addresses the function of the body while Samantha specializes in mental health and addressing the emotional needs of body. Both can certainly be treated separately, although at Lawson Chiropractic and Wellness you have the option to address the whole you, if you desire.

We’re here to help you achieve your balance in whichever modality you identify with most. 

Please click below to learn more.

softwave therapy

Mental wellness

11A Raffaelle Road, Plymouth MA 02360.
